Monday, March 31, 2014

A couple of new blogs I am following ...

I tend to search the web for various blogs of interest and lately have been looking at those involving simplifying your life, being healthy and living a more Godly life.  My cousin sent some of these to me.  Others I just happened to find.  I really like them and think you should check them out!

For the Family

The Time Warp Wife

Every Day Health

Lysa Ter Keurst

Course, my favorite which I check every day (and which I have already linked to my blog), is

Little House Living

Also, I found another website showing the next of eagles.  These eggs have just hatched on Friday and this weekend.  The Berry College baby eagle is getting so big!  If you haven't been watching him, you need to look in on him.  He is getting a few feathers in!

Pittsburgh Eagle Cam

Berry College Eagle Cam

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

A Yummy and Easy Recipe I Tried this Week!

This year I am bound and determined to cook more and, if I can, make it from scratch.  Making it from scratch has been a slow process since I'm learning about ingredients how they work and what you should use them it.  Any way, I was thumbing through an old recipe book that my cousin made with Home Economic's class back in the 90s and found this recipe.  It turned out pretty good.  However, I would limit the water or make a gravy of sorts out of the broth.  I served it with green beans, mashed potatoes, biscuits and homemade gravy.  It was devine!

Rice-A-Roni Meatballs

1 box of Rice-a-Roni mix (I used an off brand)
1 lb of ground beef
1 egg

Mix all ingredients (including flavor pack from Rice-a-Roni).  Make 1 1/2 to 2 inch balls.  Mine were about 1 1/2.  Sear meatballs in olive oil in a hot skillet on all sides.  Once seared, add 3 cups of water.  Let simmer for 30 minutes.  Serve.  

Pub. - West Hall Middle School

Monday, March 24, 2014

My Way of Getting Out of a Bad Mood

Okay, so I am NOT a Monday morning person and today is no exception.  I was so ill when I woke up that I would have taken anyone's head off if they had said anything to me.  It only got worse when I got to work.  Mondays are hard after being off for a long weekend in my office.  Those you entrust to "help" out while you are gone, usually never do what they say they were going to do.  Ironically, if you are unable or do not complete a project for them when they are out, then, of course, you are a horrible person and have endure the glances and the discussions behind you back, etc.  The office workplace is so reminiscent of high school sometimes!

That being said, I have attempted to improve my mood and get over my aggravation.  It is a slow process and, in my case, takes a lot of surfing the web and my bookmarks for things that inspire and make me feel good.   Of course, I start with checking out the eagle cam at Berry College.  The baby eagle is getting so big!  It is amazing how much it has grown in a month!  I then go from one live webcam to another (I have them all bookmarked) checking out all of the animals.  This calms me down and starts the positive mind process.

I know, other website and life coaches tell you to smile and be grateful, etc.  I am all of those after the fact, but not when I'm trying to get out of this mood.  I like to be left alone for a little bit and listen to those around me, play online and find positive things that inspire me.  I cannot just jump in and help someone or start up a conversation with someone.  I'm just not that type of person.  I have to do it slowly and at my own pace.  I consider this time when I'm trying to work out of my mood, as my "me" time.

At any rate, the process has begun and I'm beginning to feel better.  Checking all the places I like to visit online usually helps pull me quickly out of my mode.  One thing I do suggest is that you NOT check Facebook.  This tends to aggravate me more than help with my mood.  It is ridiculous the amount of venting people put on there.  If I'm on Facebook, I'm looking to see if pictures of my nieces and nephews have been posted and check out what my family is doing.  It is annoying to hear a rant and rave and it is annoying to have a person go on and on about their daily schedule.  That is just too much information and very annoying. I don't really care that a person got up and had so and so for breakfast!  One note, I do not post diatribes of my day, my mood or any thoughts (unless I lose it and am just ready to go off on someone) on Facebook. Most of my family are on there and if I make one comment like that, then they start calling and texting and asking what is wrong.  This does not help!

Also, and I thank you if you are reading this, writing on this blog is helpful as well.  It is basically venting to a certain extent.  However, I am hoping there are like minded individuals out there like me and whatever I write could be helpful to them.  I am not a self-help person or a life coach, but just a normal, every day person with a 9:00-5:00 job who is trying to figure life out.

Well, after "venting" on here and playing around online, I am feeling much better.  I have discovered that you have to do what is best for you or the process that works for you in making your mood better.  Following self help gurus is useful and some of there articles and steps are very beneficial, but remember, though they are seemingly "up" all the time in their articles and blogs, it does not mean that they are that way all the time.  We all go through bad moods/bad days.  None of us are up all the time.  Guess what?  You are allowed a moment of moodiness!

So, I'm done!  Going to go and surf the web some more before getting down to my job.  Have a good Monday and remember - tomorrow is Tuesday!  Almost hump day!  LOL!

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

FCCLA This Week!

My work has been crazy busy so I have not had a lot of time to write on my blog.  However, I had to tell you about this coming up Friday.  I'm so excited!  I will be judging (for my 6th year) the FCCLA Star Event in Athens!  If you don't know, FCCLA stands for Family, Career and Community Leaders of America.  It is an organization that gets students involved in the community and promotes growth and leadership skills in their community on a local level.  What I will be judging involves students preparing presentations on programs that have instituted in their school, school district and community that is of benefit to those areas. Here's a link to their website:
In years past I have judged various presentations on community outreach programs students have instituted to teach kids about drugs, hunger and recycling, to name a few.  It is amazing what some of these kids come up with and they are so impressive in their abilities to be confident and stand in front of three judges to give a presentation!  I thoroughly enjoy participating in this event every year and am glad that my cousin, who is the State Executive Director, invited me to enjoy the experience.  

Check the website out and encourage the young individuals you know to get involved in this program.  It is so worth it and such a learning and growing experience!

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Stress Relief

Found a website that totally relieves my stress.  You must check it out.  I never realized nature could be so relaxing.

Berry College Eagle Cam

Monday, March 3, 2014

Today is an Old School Kind of Day

With all the technology in the world, sometimes it is just better to do things the old school way.  Writing with a No. 2 pencil and a notebook is becoming a lost art.  I use to love getting a new notebook with crisp, clean pages and have my pencils all sharpened (or a good Bic pen) in order to catalog my thoughts for humanity (LOL!  I would never show those to anyone!)  Lately, I've been using a No. 2 at work. I even have an old school pencil sharpener! At least, should anything happen to all the technology in the world, I will remember how to sharpen a pencil!  Take a break from technology and try it out! [Sorry, I couldn't figure out how to rotate it on the blog!]