Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Reaching a Milestone

This week (June 26, 2014) will mark 25 years that I have worked for the same office.  I started working for the law firm when I was 21 years old; I'm now 46.  A lot has changed in my life during that time period and a lot has changed here at the office.

When I first started working for the firm there were six people working there, including me.  One secretary, a runner (me), two legal assistants and two attorneys. Now we have 16 people working with nine attorneys.

Believe it or not, we also didn't have computers.  We had one processing machine and typewriter, and we used carbon paper!  Anyone remember the onion paper?  We used it too!

We didn't even have a fax machine then either! The copier machine was this big huge monstrosity that I spent a lot of time at.  My duties included copying, delivering, filing, getting mail ready to send out and some answering of phones.  I eventually moved to answering phones full time and filing, from there to secretarial duties and then legal assistant duties.

I have worked in every one of the areas of the office from contracts and real estate to special education. I guess I am well rounded on most legal topics in our office.  Just don't ask me about something that we did previously, because I cannot remember a thing anymore!

Back then, we had an actual library.  You had to pull a book and look things up.  Other attorneys in the area would come to our office to use our library.  There were a couple of other firms that had libraries and luckily they would usually have what we didn't.  Of course, there was the law library, which is still open.

One of the founding attorneys has since retired, though he comes in the office frequently.  The other founding attorney is still going strong.  The firm is 35 years old this year!

I don't know if anyone will remember that my work anniversary is this week.  It is my hope that they at least acknowledge it.  However, as in the past, I doubt it.  So, this is a congratulations to me.  Congratulations on 25 years!

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