Friday, November 14, 2014

My New Normal

So, here I am, back single again.  My husband passed away on August 24th.  This is my new normal: Living my life without the love of my life.  Truthfully, I've done fairly well.  I haven't totally lost it and curled up in a ball and not left my bed for days, though I would like to.  Some part of me will not allow it.  I don't know if I'm headed in that direction or what.  When I think about it, I wonder to myself why I don't just let go.  Why am I not wallowing in self pity, laying in my bed, crying and screaming at the world and God for letting him leave me?  I really do not know and it is all so very confusing.

I'm constantly reading widow websites and blogs looking for some sort of direction.  I've read many stories and it appears that I am not alone in my questions.  Others are looking for the same path. Which way do we go? What do we do? How do we feel happy again? Did this really happen to me?

I found this quote on a blog that fits my thoughts and feelings perfectly:

I remember sitting there in a pile of mush, my heart torn to pieces, and my emotions running the gamut of extreme sadness, terrible anger, and complete dismay. Nothing in this world will ever be as painful for me as that moment. Nothing for me to fix, nothing for me to do, nothing but reality, and a new lifetime of questions and pain.
Surviving that First Year

I know in my mind I will not feel this way forever, but my heart is a different story. I'm not a very patient person and I keep wanting to move on now.  I want to feel better now.  I want my heart not to hurt so much.  I want to be happy right now.  I want to feel like I'm moving forward, not lost and trying to figure out where I go from here.  I've cried, I've prayed and I have researched the Internet for the answers.  Oh yes, I have a goal -- to move from where I live within the next two years -- but will I be doing this alone? How can I accomplish this goal? Where would I even move?  Maybe the goal is too futuristic? Maybe I should make smaller goals that can be completed in a day, week or month? I don't know. That's the problem.  I have always had a goal, always a path or a direction to take.  Now, I feel like I'm starting over.  I feel like the teenager who just graduated from high school who doesn't know where they are going in life, but without the excitement of what lays ahead; what is to come.  How do you get that feeling of anticipation back? 

So, again, I start over.  I found the above blog very helpful; at least it is helping me today.  It is my hope and prayer that it is true. 

I’m here to tell those who are suffering through that first year that you are not alone. You are living with horrific circumstances and it’s not fair and it’s not right. You may feel like you are letting everyone else down, but in reality you are surviving the best way you know how. Forgive yourself for the moments of impatience. Forgive yourself if you don’t have a deep capacity for love. Forgive yourself if all you can do is make sure your home is safe and reasonably healthy.  Your new normal will set in, you will figure this out, and you will survive. The love will return, the desire to thrive will return, and while your life will never be the same, ... you ... will laugh again. 

Apparently, it is a process that has to be lived through. No skipping to the end.  No short cut. No easy fix. I am in the learning phase and I won't graduate until that phase is over and I've learned what I need to.  I can do this.

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Blessings - need to remember this

Received this in an email today and needed it as a reminder.  Life has the tendency to get me down and sometimes I forget the many blessings that I do have and only deal in negatives.  This from Joel Osteen reminded me that I should count my blessings daily and to "talk" positive.  Hope it helps you as well.

“I call heaven and earth as witnesses today against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing; therefore choose life, that both you and your descendants may live.”
(Deuteronomy 30:19, NKJV)
TODAY’S WORD from Joel and Victoria
Did you know that with your words you can either bless your future or curse your future? Your words have creative power. If you want to know what your life is going to be like five years from now, just listen to what you’re saying about yourself today!
Too many people go around saying, “I’ll never get well.” “I’ll never get out of debt.” “It’s flu season. I’ll probably get it.” “This marriage is never going to last.” Then they wonder why they don’t see things turn around. It’s because they’re calling defeat into their future. They’re calling in mediocrity. Don’t let that be you! When you get up in the morning, no matter how you feel, no matter what things look like, instead of using your words to describe your situation, use your words to change your situation. Make a declaration of faith by saying, “This is going to be a great day. I have God’s favor. He’s directing my steps.” When you do that, you are choosing life and blessing. You are calling in favor, increase and opportunities, and you will move forward in the life of blessing He has for you!
Father, I commit my words to You today. I choose to speak good things over my life and bless my future. Keep me close to You and use me for Your glory in Jesus’ name. Amen.
— Joel & Victoria Osteen

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Reaching a Milestone

This week (June 26, 2014) will mark 25 years that I have worked for the same office.  I started working for the law firm when I was 21 years old; I'm now 46.  A lot has changed in my life during that time period and a lot has changed here at the office.

When I first started working for the firm there were six people working there, including me.  One secretary, a runner (me), two legal assistants and two attorneys. Now we have 16 people working with nine attorneys.

Believe it or not, we also didn't have computers.  We had one processing machine and typewriter, and we used carbon paper!  Anyone remember the onion paper?  We used it too!

We didn't even have a fax machine then either! The copier machine was this big huge monstrosity that I spent a lot of time at.  My duties included copying, delivering, filing, getting mail ready to send out and some answering of phones.  I eventually moved to answering phones full time and filing, from there to secretarial duties and then legal assistant duties.

I have worked in every one of the areas of the office from contracts and real estate to special education. I guess I am well rounded on most legal topics in our office.  Just don't ask me about something that we did previously, because I cannot remember a thing anymore!

Back then, we had an actual library.  You had to pull a book and look things up.  Other attorneys in the area would come to our office to use our library.  There were a couple of other firms that had libraries and luckily they would usually have what we didn't.  Of course, there was the law library, which is still open.

One of the founding attorneys has since retired, though he comes in the office frequently.  The other founding attorney is still going strong.  The firm is 35 years old this year!

I don't know if anyone will remember that my work anniversary is this week.  It is my hope that they at least acknowledge it.  However, as in the past, I doubt it.  So, this is a congratulations to me.  Congratulations on 25 years!

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

New Read: How to Win Friends and Influence People

I've been reading a new book and found this summary online of some of its teachings that I thought would be of interest.  I highly recommend the book if you have not read it.  There are all sorts of blogs that have been influenced and/or reference his teachings.  All you have to do to find them is "Google" his name or books.  Enjoy!

PRINCIPLES FROM “HOW TO WIN FRIENDS AND INFLUENCE PEOPLE.”  (by Dale Carnegie *1888-1955* founder of the Carnegie Course)

1. Don't criticize, condemn or complain.
2. Give honest, sincere appreciation.
3. Arouse in the other person an eager want.
4. Become genuinely interested in other people.
5. Smile.
6. Remember that a person's name is to that person the most important sound in any language.
7. Be a good listener. Encourage others to talk about themselves.
8. Talk in terms of the other person's interest.
9. Make the other person feel important - and do so sincerely.
10 The only way to get the best of an argument is to
 avoid it.

11. Show respect for the other person's opinions. Never say, "You're wrong."
12. If you are wrong, admit it quickly and emphatically.
13. Begin in a friendly way.
14. Get the other person saying, "Yes, yes" immediately.
15. Let the other person do a great deal of the talking.
16. Let the other person feel that the idea is his or hers.
17. Try honestly to see things from the other person's point of view.
18. Be sympathetic with the other person's ideas and desires.
19. Appeal to the nobler motives.
20. Dramatize your ideas.

21. Throw down a challenge.
22. Begin with praise and honest appreciation.
23. Call attention to people's mistakes indirectly.
24. Talk about your own mistakes before criticizing the other person.
25. Ask questions instead of giving direct orders.
26. Let the other person save face.
27. Praise the slightest and every improvement. Be "lavish in your praise."
28. Give the other person a fine reputation to live up to.
29. Use encouragement. Make the fault seem easy to correct.
30. Make the other person happy about doing the thing you suggest


Biography: Dale Carnegie was born in 1888 in Missouri and was educated at Warrensburg State Teachers College. As a salesman and aspiring actor, he traveled to New York and began teaching communication classes to adults at the YMCA. In 1912, the world famous Carnegie Course was born. He authored several best-sellers, including, “How to win Friends and Influence people”, and “How to stop worrying and start living.” Over 50 million copies of Mr. Carnegie's books have been printed and published in 38 languages. Mr. Carnegie was a prominent lecturer of his day and a sought-after counselor to world leaders. He wrote newspaper columns and had his own daily radio show. Dale Carnegie founded what is today a worldwide network of over 3,000 instructors and offices in more than 70 countries.

Sunday, June 8, 2014


Okay, so my birthday is tomorrow. I cannot believe I will be 46 years old. I in no way feel my age. Sometimes I hardly feel like an adult!  

Today, I am feeling kind of down. Every year I always put so much emphasis in my birthday and always think "I'm going to do this or that"; one big party weekend. When, in actuality, all I ever do is hang out at home. I then get irritated because I feel like I should be doing something momentous to celebrate my birthday. So, I've felt that way today. However, I am determined to break the cycle. 

I am a truly blessed individual. I got to spend the day with my mom and great aunt yesterday. We went shopping and to lunch. Today, my grandmother called me to let me know she had made me a pound cake for my birthday (she makes the most awesome pound cakes!).  I've passed the morning with my husband, hanging out and watching the French Open -- my fav Nadal won!  Now, the race is on and my favorite race team -though not my fav racer, yet -- is doing well. 

I am blessed!  I have wonderful family and friends and am blessed with a home, transportation, I have a job and wonderful pets and, the best of all, a God that loves me. Guess that is a pretty good birthday present!  

Thursday, May 29, 2014

I love the smell of dirt .....

I have been watching with interest the construction taking place on Hwy. 369.  It appears that the 50+ subdivision is expanding to include land across the highway.  Oddly, I find the whole building process fascinating.  At present, they are only clearing the land and prepping for the various lots that people will be able to choose from.  Every day going to and from work I take a glance to see what  progress is being made.

Now, I must tell you, I am a senses girl.  I have always been very aware of smells and sounds in and around me.  A lot of them remind of things from my childhood.  One such example happened yesterday when riding with my husband toward our home.  First off, it was sprinkling rain, which made the world smell like hot, wet asphalt.  Again, oddly, I like the smell!  Then when we drove by the construction site, my senses were assaulted with all sorts of interesting smells -- the sour smell of pine trees that had been chopped up, the moist wet smell of overturned dirt and the fresh sweet smell of disturbed vegetation. 

All of these smells reminded me of when I was younger and I would go to my cousin's house.  They lived off in the country and owned horses, goats, pigs, etc.  Not a real farm, but one that served their basic needs.   There always various smells (some not so good) and sounds.  One of the things my cousin's like to do was play in this big gulley in their backyard.  It really wasn't all that safe because there all sorts of broken bottles and trash which got swept into it when there was a strong rain storm.  I remember many times playing with them in this gulley riding our bikes and having these same smells assault the senses.  We disturbed the ground with our bikes which caused the dirt smell and then the vegetation smell and the smell of the hay field next to the gulley. I was able to share with my husband some of the things we did as a children in that gulley and at my cousin's house. It was nice remembering. 

I realized in that instance that my life had slowed down for just that one moment of remembrance.  We all go about our day in such a rush that we never slow down to take in the smells and sounds around us.  Will I remember the sights, sounds and smells of my life right now, ten years from now?  I will now, because I intend to start paying attention to it.  Yeah, that ringing phone in the office is annoying, but if you listen beyond it you can hear people talking and the hum of the various machines and air conditioning.  These are your memories for the future.  Granted, they are not momentous memories, but they make up who you are and become a part of your life and make you remember that one moment when you were not running the race, but were paying attention to your life at that moment -- living in the moment. 

So, be still, take in your surroundings and open up yourself to the sights, sounds and smells around you!

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Google Books & Magazines

Did you know that you can look at old versions of books and magazines through Google?  I have had a great time today go through Life Magazine's first issue from November 1936.  It is truly amazing how the world has changed.  I would suggest you check this nice little extra from Google out.

Life Magazine November 1936

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Pause .....

Not even a day into my revised schedule to try and include "me" time and exercise in my daily schedule and I get sick. I've got bronchitis and have been trying to expel my lungs from my body. Oh well, gotta get better and start my changes. At least this gives me time to reflect on the changes I want to make. 

Thursday, April 24, 2014


In order to hold myself accountable, I am outlining my daily schedule in order to make changes.  This all part of my process to self-betterment (and a clean house)!  It is my hope that I will make significant changes and weeks from now be able to look at this post and realize I've made progress.  I know it will be slow and won't happen over night, but I am bound and determine to make a go of it.

6:00 a.m. alarm goes off -- I hit snooze!  I would like to make it a daily thing of getting up at this time.

7:00 a.m. alarm goes off -- I definitely have to get up and get ready for work.  However, first I feed the cats and walk the dogs.  Usually I get done with getting my makeup on and hair fixed have about 15 minutes to relax before leaving.  However, most mornings I rush through getting ready and taking care of my pets so I can lay down for 30 or so minutes.  Not a good thing!  I have another alarm set for 8:00 a.m. letting me know I definitely have to put my work clothes on, brush my teeth and leave the house -- I have to be at work by 8:30 a.m.; however, I 'm usually late.

8:30ish to 5:00 - Work

5:30 - get home from work. Usually start supper, walk dogs, clean up after supper then collapse on the couch.  I would like to actually start an exercise program and I could really move toward a clean house if I did a little bit every day.  At least that is my goal now.

I usually go to bed around 11:30-12:00.  I would like to start getting into bed earlier and getting up earlier.



Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Marcus Aurelius Meditations

Habitual recurrence to the harmony will increase your mastery of it. --Marcus Aurelius

Life's happiness "depends upon the quality of your thoughts.”

"The impediment to action advances action .... What stands in the way becomes the way."

There is good in everyone (

"People look for retreats for themselves, in the country, by the coast, or in the hills." "There is nowhere that a man can find a more peaceful and trouble-free retreat than in his own mind ... So constantly give yourself this retreat, and renew yourself."

Treat life as an "old and faithful friend."

Read full article at:  The Daily Good - Marcus Aurelius and the Key to Happiness


Monday, March 31, 2014

A couple of new blogs I am following ...

I tend to search the web for various blogs of interest and lately have been looking at those involving simplifying your life, being healthy and living a more Godly life.  My cousin sent some of these to me.  Others I just happened to find.  I really like them and think you should check them out!

For the Family

The Time Warp Wife

Every Day Health

Lysa Ter Keurst

Course, my favorite which I check every day (and which I have already linked to my blog), is

Little House Living

Also, I found another website showing the next of eagles.  These eggs have just hatched on Friday and this weekend.  The Berry College baby eagle is getting so big!  If you haven't been watching him, you need to look in on him.  He is getting a few feathers in!

Pittsburgh Eagle Cam

Berry College Eagle Cam

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

A Yummy and Easy Recipe I Tried this Week!

This year I am bound and determined to cook more and, if I can, make it from scratch.  Making it from scratch has been a slow process since I'm learning about ingredients how they work and what you should use them it.  Any way, I was thumbing through an old recipe book that my cousin made with Home Economic's class back in the 90s and found this recipe.  It turned out pretty good.  However, I would limit the water or make a gravy of sorts out of the broth.  I served it with green beans, mashed potatoes, biscuits and homemade gravy.  It was devine!

Rice-A-Roni Meatballs

1 box of Rice-a-Roni mix (I used an off brand)
1 lb of ground beef
1 egg

Mix all ingredients (including flavor pack from Rice-a-Roni).  Make 1 1/2 to 2 inch balls.  Mine were about 1 1/2.  Sear meatballs in olive oil in a hot skillet on all sides.  Once seared, add 3 cups of water.  Let simmer for 30 minutes.  Serve.  

Pub. - West Hall Middle School

Monday, March 24, 2014

My Way of Getting Out of a Bad Mood

Okay, so I am NOT a Monday morning person and today is no exception.  I was so ill when I woke up that I would have taken anyone's head off if they had said anything to me.  It only got worse when I got to work.  Mondays are hard after being off for a long weekend in my office.  Those you entrust to "help" out while you are gone, usually never do what they say they were going to do.  Ironically, if you are unable or do not complete a project for them when they are out, then, of course, you are a horrible person and have endure the glances and the discussions behind you back, etc.  The office workplace is so reminiscent of high school sometimes!

That being said, I have attempted to improve my mood and get over my aggravation.  It is a slow process and, in my case, takes a lot of surfing the web and my bookmarks for things that inspire and make me feel good.   Of course, I start with checking out the eagle cam at Berry College.  The baby eagle is getting so big!  It is amazing how much it has grown in a month!  I then go from one live webcam to another (I have them all bookmarked) checking out all of the animals.  This calms me down and starts the positive mind process.

I know, other website and life coaches tell you to smile and be grateful, etc.  I am all of those after the fact, but not when I'm trying to get out of this mood.  I like to be left alone for a little bit and listen to those around me, play online and find positive things that inspire me.  I cannot just jump in and help someone or start up a conversation with someone.  I'm just not that type of person.  I have to do it slowly and at my own pace.  I consider this time when I'm trying to work out of my mood, as my "me" time.

At any rate, the process has begun and I'm beginning to feel better.  Checking all the places I like to visit online usually helps pull me quickly out of my mode.  One thing I do suggest is that you NOT check Facebook.  This tends to aggravate me more than help with my mood.  It is ridiculous the amount of venting people put on there.  If I'm on Facebook, I'm looking to see if pictures of my nieces and nephews have been posted and check out what my family is doing.  It is annoying to hear a rant and rave and it is annoying to have a person go on and on about their daily schedule.  That is just too much information and very annoying. I don't really care that a person got up and had so and so for breakfast!  One note, I do not post diatribes of my day, my mood or any thoughts (unless I lose it and am just ready to go off on someone) on Facebook. Most of my family are on there and if I make one comment like that, then they start calling and texting and asking what is wrong.  This does not help!

Also, and I thank you if you are reading this, writing on this blog is helpful as well.  It is basically venting to a certain extent.  However, I am hoping there are like minded individuals out there like me and whatever I write could be helpful to them.  I am not a self-help person or a life coach, but just a normal, every day person with a 9:00-5:00 job who is trying to figure life out.

Well, after "venting" on here and playing around online, I am feeling much better.  I have discovered that you have to do what is best for you or the process that works for you in making your mood better.  Following self help gurus is useful and some of there articles and steps are very beneficial, but remember, though they are seemingly "up" all the time in their articles and blogs, it does not mean that they are that way all the time.  We all go through bad moods/bad days.  None of us are up all the time.  Guess what?  You are allowed a moment of moodiness!

So, I'm done!  Going to go and surf the web some more before getting down to my job.  Have a good Monday and remember - tomorrow is Tuesday!  Almost hump day!  LOL!

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

FCCLA This Week!

My work has been crazy busy so I have not had a lot of time to write on my blog.  However, I had to tell you about this coming up Friday.  I'm so excited!  I will be judging (for my 6th year) the FCCLA Star Event in Athens!  If you don't know, FCCLA stands for Family, Career and Community Leaders of America.  It is an organization that gets students involved in the community and promotes growth and leadership skills in their community on a local level.  What I will be judging involves students preparing presentations on programs that have instituted in their school, school district and community that is of benefit to those areas. Here's a link to their website:
In years past I have judged various presentations on community outreach programs students have instituted to teach kids about drugs, hunger and recycling, to name a few.  It is amazing what some of these kids come up with and they are so impressive in their abilities to be confident and stand in front of three judges to give a presentation!  I thoroughly enjoy participating in this event every year and am glad that my cousin, who is the State Executive Director, invited me to enjoy the experience.  

Check the website out and encourage the young individuals you know to get involved in this program.  It is so worth it and such a learning and growing experience!

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Stress Relief

Found a website that totally relieves my stress.  You must check it out.  I never realized nature could be so relaxing.

Berry College Eagle Cam

Monday, March 3, 2014

Today is an Old School Kind of Day

With all the technology in the world, sometimes it is just better to do things the old school way.  Writing with a No. 2 pencil and a notebook is becoming a lost art.  I use to love getting a new notebook with crisp, clean pages and have my pencils all sharpened (or a good Bic pen) in order to catalog my thoughts for humanity (LOL!  I would never show those to anyone!)  Lately, I've been using a No. 2 at work. I even have an old school pencil sharpener! At least, should anything happen to all the technology in the world, I will remember how to sharpen a pencil!  Take a break from technology and try it out! [Sorry, I couldn't figure out how to rotate it on the blog!]

Friday, February 28, 2014

By A Thread Series+

I know I have probably mentioned it before, but I just love the By a Thread series by author R.L. Griffin. She published another book recently based on the character Stella, which is outstanding.  That book is called Mending.  If you have not read any of her books, I suggest you do so.

She has another book coming out in May based on this series called Heart in Wire, which I am anxiously anticipating!!

The By a Thread series is based on the trials and tribulations of Stella.  Stella has graduated from college and is looking forward to living in Washington D.C. with her fiance when tragedy strikes, leading her to spiral out of control and spending a lot of time in a bottom of a glass (however, looking amazing in her killer shoes!)  Living in an unfamiliar town with no friends and family, Stella has to learn to live again and pick up the pieces to begin to move forward in life.  However, there are surprises in store for her and things are not always what they seem!

R.L. Griffin takes you up and down in this series, leaving you angry at times and shouting for joy at others. Stella and the other characters (Patrick, Millie, George and, of course, Cooper) will become a part of your life and you will begin thinking "What Would Stella Do".

Please check her out!  You will not be disappointed!

Check out these links:

Saturday, February 22, 2014

February Birthdays

February is a busy month birthday-wise in my family. Because of this, we choose one day in which to celebrate them all (usually going out to eat).  My cousin and pseudo-daughter's birthday is the 2nd; my cousin and best friend (mother of my cousin whose birthday is the 2nd) just got married on the 8th; the 9th is my mom's birthday; the 11th is my mother-in-law's birthday; the 16th is one of my sister-in-law's birthday; another cousin's birthday is on the 18th; my other sister-in-law's birthday is the 22nd; my cousin (brother to the cousin who just got married) and lastly my grandfather has their birthdays on the 26th and 27th. It's one crazy busy month!

With the snow this year, I had time to make my mother's birthday present.  I modified an idea I found on Pinterest (love that website). I'm hoping she likes it. I'm attaching pictures. Let me know what you think! 

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Olympic Anxiety

I entitled this Olympic Anxiety, but really the anxiety comes from worrying about whether some newscaster is going to give a spoiler in their report or when surfing through Facebook or Twitter someone might post results. I will say that I will be glad when it's over. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love the Olympics, but by the final week, I'm exhausted. I've stayed up late every night watching. I have no idea why I don't just turn the tv off and go to bed. I have tried. However, as they say curiosity kills the cat OR in this instance, curiosity can make you one sleepy person!

That being said, I'm very proud of our Olympians. They make us proud as ambassadors of this country and their respective sports. GO USA!

Positive Self-Talk

I read an interesting article the other day on about shifting your focus from negative thoughts to positive thoughts.  I have a bad habit of talking myself down, which, in turn, affects my mood.  This article stated that you could change that and live a happier existence.  Basically, the exercise requires you to repeat several mantras to chance your self talk.  It is my intention the next couple of weeks to do repeat these mantras and see what affect it will have on my general mood and outlook on life.  I have listed them below in case you want to check them out and have provided the link to the article as well.

  • I am capable.
  • I know who I am and I am enough.
  • I choose to be present in all that I do.
  • I choose to think thoughts that serve me well.
  • I choose to reach for a better feeling.
  • I share my happiness with those around me.
  • My body is my vehicle in life; I choose to fill it with goodness.
  • I feel energetic and alive.
  • My life is unfolding beautifully.
  • I am confident.
  • I always observe before reacting.
  • I know with time and effort I can achieve.
  • I love challenges and what I learn from overcoming them.
  • Each step is taking me to where I want to be.

14 Mantras to Help Build Positive Self Talk

This is a wonderful website!  I encourage you to sign up to receive their emails.  You will not be disappointed!!

Monday, February 17, 2014

Fast Food

My husband and I have got into a bad habit of eating out -- basically fast food -- for the last couple of weeks and months.  When we were feeling bad last week, we finally realized that it was because of what we had been eating (and the fact that neither one of us had been exercising).  We have decided to do better and eat healthier.  Well, we ordered KFC this weekend (yes, I know, totally going against our "plan").  It is a lesson learned as it was horrible.  We ordered crispy chicken and they apparently did not have any made (though it was 5:30 p.m. -- supper/dinner time).  It looked as though they had taken original recipe chicken, dipped it in batter and fried it.  It was horrible!  The skin, instead of peeling off, crumbled!  It was hard as a rock!  We had got home before we realized the state of our dinner and it did not warrant using up gas to go back and have them give us more of the same.  We called the number on the receipt and filed a claim on the KFC website, but have not heard anything further.  This KFC has gone down hill quick.  This is not the first time I have had issues with them -- I ordered crispy chicken one other time and they gave me original.  In another instance we ordered corn and it had been sitting all day as it was shriveled and dry.  Just goes to show we should have stuck with our original plan of eating better and not relying on the quick fix.  See the pictures I have posted of the gross chicken! The second pic shows how thick this crumbly crust was.  This is not the normal KFC chicken!