Thursday, April 24, 2014


In order to hold myself accountable, I am outlining my daily schedule in order to make changes.  This all part of my process to self-betterment (and a clean house)!  It is my hope that I will make significant changes and weeks from now be able to look at this post and realize I've made progress.  I know it will be slow and won't happen over night, but I am bound and determine to make a go of it.

6:00 a.m. alarm goes off -- I hit snooze!  I would like to make it a daily thing of getting up at this time.

7:00 a.m. alarm goes off -- I definitely have to get up and get ready for work.  However, first I feed the cats and walk the dogs.  Usually I get done with getting my makeup on and hair fixed have about 15 minutes to relax before leaving.  However, most mornings I rush through getting ready and taking care of my pets so I can lay down for 30 or so minutes.  Not a good thing!  I have another alarm set for 8:00 a.m. letting me know I definitely have to put my work clothes on, brush my teeth and leave the house -- I have to be at work by 8:30 a.m.; however, I 'm usually late.

8:30ish to 5:00 - Work

5:30 - get home from work. Usually start supper, walk dogs, clean up after supper then collapse on the couch.  I would like to actually start an exercise program and I could really move toward a clean house if I did a little bit every day.  At least that is my goal now.

I usually go to bed around 11:30-12:00.  I would like to start getting into bed earlier and getting up earlier.



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